The east African crude oil pipeline will get a five-year construction license, according to a source, putting its expected completion…
Minister retains licensing powers as Parliament passes new mining law
In a bewildering turn of events, the Director at the Directorate of Geological Survey and Mines (DGSM) will no longer…
Buhweju miners forge ahead
In 2019, Artisanal and Small scale Miners (ASMs) in Buhweju District were stopped from mining by the Police Minerals Protection…
Tanzanite: Tanzanian miner becomes overnight millionaire
A small-scale miner in Tanzania has become an overnight millionaire after selling two rough Tanzanite stones – the biggest ever…
Subsistence miners lose out as coronavirus crushes local gold prices
“We are praying to God to end this disease so that we can continue with our business,” said Tanzanian miner Selamani Juma Salum.